Access Control Systems

Access Control Systems are an effective way to prevent unauthorized access to one's home or commercial property.

An Access Control System authenticates entry to a specific location through a system of electronic devices controlled over a central network. Access to restricted locations can be authenticated using three primary methods, or a combination of the methods. These methods are something you have (e.g. an ID badge), something you know (e.g. a PIN or Password), and something you are (e.g. a fingerprint or retinal scan). At Access Security Solutions LLC, we provide installation and maintenance services for Access Control Systems for Home and Commercial use.
Some of the unique benefits of an Access Control System include:
Ease of Access

Ease of Access

Access Control Systems provide ease of access to Home owners, residents, employees and other authorized persons.
Keep Track of Access

Keep Track of Access

Access Control solutions provided by our company also keep track of access records, including date, time and frequency of use.
Eliminate Traditional Key Systems

Eliminate Traditional Keys

Access Control Systems also eliminate or significantly reduce the need for traditional key and lock systems for homes and commercial facilities, making them more secure.

Contact Us

Schedule a Free Consultation for your home or business today at 1 510-356-0083 or submit the form below.
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Interested in getting an Access Control System?

Schedule a free Consultation with our team of professional Security consultants at Access Security Solutions LLC today by calling +1 510-356-0083 or by using the link below to request a quote. Also get your first three months free when you sign up for our Alarm Monitoring Service.
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